May 21, 2008

Local Artist Spotlight: Macklemore

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One of the guest acts for the upcoming Blu Show which unfortunately falls on our vacation and we won't be able to attend. Is local Seattle Talent "Macklemore".

I thought I would do a local artist spotlight and maybe turn it into a once a week thing so you can get to know the names you see on all sorts of flyers around here. We'll post up some music and introduce you (if you don't already know) to some of our city's finest.

But before I tell you anything about him, here's a standout track from Macklemore because you should judge an artist by their music anyway.

Welcom To Myspace - Macklemore

In an older interview with local newspaper "The Stranger" Macklemore explains his upbringing.

"Yo, I did the same kinda things a lotta kids that are into hiphop did coming up—you know, skating, graffiti," Macklemore explains. "As soon as my parents let me strike out on my own, hop the bus and whatnot, I was looking for something to get into."

"For a while, the spot was the wall of the Comet Tavern, before they put that painting or whatever up there; it was a free wall, and it ended up just being a spot to chill and network with like-minded cats. Drinking 40s, writing, scheming on ways to get over. My boy Frank lived on Broadway," Macklemore chuckles, "and we'd link up and go hustle, meaning the old hey-we're-raising-money-for-team-uniforms trick; then we'd take that money, buy equipment, weed, whatever."

But it's not all about that. On his LP he touches on some problems that we deal with in Seattle I myself call the Condo Crisis but everyone has their own name for it. For example the Mayor prefers to call it development. In Seattle we don't try to fix peoples lives for the better. We build condos everywhere and price everyone out of their neighborhoods and force them to move elsewhere.

Claiming The City (featuring Abyssinian Creole) - Macklemore

You can buy his last LP at most Local Seattle Record Stores. Easy Street Records is always supporting local artists, you can buy it from his myspace page, and probably other places online if you look.

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